Friday, April 24, 2009

Make Your Own Ranch Seasoning Mix

Ranch Dressing seasoning packets are a staple in some homes. I am always blown away at the price of these packets full of a few tablespoons of mix. Plus, I hate MSG which seems to find its way into so many of these mixes. I am pretty sure it gives me headaches. So, I was so exited when I found the recipe to make my own ranch dressing or home-style dressing mix. I discovered that although it is not exactly the same as the name brand mix my good hubby didn't notice the difference when I mixed it into a veggie dip and my kids dipped on in as well. It is ridiculous how cheap it is to make the mix and if I was good at dividing and breaking up ingredients into a price comparison I would. I married an accountant so I would not have to worry about such detailed math equations. Just kidding. But seriously the cost is in the pennies here.

Makes 1 packet worth of ranch dressing mix or approximately 2 tablespoons.

2 Tsp instant minced onion
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp garlic powder
1 TBS parsley flakes

Combine ingredients in a small bowl and then place in an airtight bag or container. Use within 6 Months.

To make dip mix with 1 cup mayonnaise and 1 cup sour cream.
For dressing substitute sourcream with buttermilk.


  1. What a great idea I will bookmark this for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You have been given a MEME award on my blog. I look forward to reading many of your fabulous posts!

  3. Wow, wish I had this recipe when we were still living in Mexico. Some days Ranch Dressing sounded like a very distant thing! Yum!
