Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Food Storage Review: White Bread and Roll Mix

No exciting recipes today, but I am excited about this food storage product I recently tried. As part of my journey into cooking with more of my food storage I occasionally try a new product. This Harvest of the West, Honey White Bread and Roll Mix practically jumped off the shelf and into my cart. I am not really a bread and roll baker (I am working on it). I live for Rhodes frozen bread rolls. I wanted to give this mix a test drive and see if it was Rachelle proof.

The Verdict:
It was simple (dissolve yeast in water, add to mix and mix with mixer. Rise and make into rolls) and delicious and gobbled up. I would not say it is as amazing as certain family members' famous roll recipes but it was tasty, especially with the homemade butter I got from the Farmer's market and some freezer strawberry jam. I will be adding a couple cans to my pantry.

Found at Wal-Mart in their food storage section.

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1 comment:

  1. When it comes time to really use our food storage, I bet these will please anyone! I have to remember to store extra water if I stock mixes that require water.
