Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pumpkin Nutella Smoothie -- Healthy Version

The picture didn't turn out great but we've all seen a pumpkin smoothie.
Now there are plenty of sweet creamy decadent recipes for pumpkin shakes full of ice cream, sugar and whip cream. That is all good and I am sure that I am going to indulge in at least one of those. But for breakfast or an afternoon healthy snack, I wanted something a little healthier -- which just a touch of decadence.

Pumpkin is one of my favorite flavors. Plus it is a superfood and has all kinds of unbelievable superhero powers. See my Alive! Utah's Taste article this month to discover its superhero qualities. I love that it is so creamy and yet so good for you. So, instead of loading my afternoon power shake with tons of ice cream and whip cream I decided to try a healthier route with just a touch of decadence from some Nutella.

P.S. We used Soymilk in this recipe instead of milk. My daughter recently discovered she is lactose intolerant and while yogurt doesn't seem to bother her -- milk wreaks havoc on her tummy and digestion. She wanted to try this recipe so I used Soy Milk (which is also healthy for you). Feel free to use lowfat milk if you want.

Now this recipe is not knock your socks off sweet. However it is tangy, rich, refreshing and just a tad spicy.


1  4 oz carton of vanilla yogurt,frozen (for a sweeter version add a 1/2 cup of ice cream)
1 cup soymilk (plus a little more if you want a milder pumpkin flavor)
2/3 cup pumpkin
2 shakes of nutmeg
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
3 Tb brown sugar
2 heaping TB of Nutella

We just put a carton of vanilla yogurt in the freezer until frozen. Combine ingredients in blender until smooth.
Top each smoothie with and additional tsp of Nutella and a dollop of whip cream if  you want.

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